Friday, 7 August 2015

Term 2 Inquiry- 'Beeing Responsible'

Opening statement
A bees Latin name is Abis.
Bees have three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae.  Their bodies have three parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.  Bees have a thick waist and a coat of body hair.
Some bees live in colonies.  Bees live in tropical and sub-tropical regions.
The queen is a large female who starts the nest.  Workers are females who look after the nest.  Drones are males who mate with the new queens.  Drones do not work.  A new honeybee colony starts after a new queen and her workers come together and form a swarm.  The swarm finds a suitable place to build a nest.  The workers build the cells in the nest, and the queen lays eggs in the cells.  One queen can lay 1,500 eggs per day.  Most of the eggs will produce workers, some eggs will produce drones, only a few eggs will produce queens.  A honeybee has a digestive system that absorbs food.
Closing statement
Bees are the important pollinators of flowering plants, fruits and vegetables.

By Kayden Davies K.D

Monday, 27 July 2015

Term 1 Inquiry - Making Responsible Choices

At home I take responsibility by feeding the pets and doing my homework and school I take responsibility by looking after friends and going to the toilet at the right times.